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say it with crystal

this is about me, my days, my thoughts and my bead jewelry work. Some postings are in indonesian, and some are in english.

Freitag, Oktober 14, 2005

My latest projects

It's been quite a long since I shared my projects here.
Many things going on. Things I'd never prepared. Things I'd never expected. Still it's happening. And that kind of pressure put me away from any jewelry projects I was working on before.

But last week, I took my chance to start something new. I purchased wire sculpture kit from the wire master, Preston Reuther, and it arrived weeks ago. It cost me half of the price of the package for shipping from US and for the tax entry to Germany. So, these projects should be very expensive. :-)
I know it probably too much for Indonesians taste. But the projects seem very challenging, and I couldn’t help to try it out. And this is an Art. Art does not care if you like it or not.


At 11:45 PM, Novita said...

Mia, itu liontin ya? Bagus deh..

At 7:52 AM, putrisafeby said...

boleh juga tuh.. mau dong dikirimin sample nya... :D


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